Nordic Whisky #272 - Mackmyra Astrid Rotspon Double Wood

Mackmyra Astrid Rotspon Double Wood, NAS, 54.7 %


This is the fourth of four Mackmyra whiskies released for the German market in 2017. They have all been finished in Rotspon casks from the von Have vineyard. They have all been named to honor famous Swedish women.

The Mackmyra Astrid Rotspon Double Wood is a peated whisky, and has its name from Astrid Lindgren 1907-2002, the world famous author of books for children and young adults. She has sold more than 160 million books total. This release is limited to 434 bottles.

Nose: Neutral wood smoke and mild sweetness. Vanilla and a soft oakiness. Orchard fruits and hints of nuts.

Taste: Rich and full bodied. Sugary ashes, sweet wood smoke, and hints of pine wood. Fizzy ginger.

Finish: Medium long finish. Sugar cubes sprinkled with white pepper and soot. Oak and artificial sweetener. White pepper. Honey and nuts in the end.

Comment: A fairly decent, peaty youngster. The wine cask influence adds a richer sweetness - but oddly no fruitiness.

Score 84/100



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