SMWS 54.63 2000: and some face odyssey
SMWS 54.63 2000: and some face odyssey, 17 YO, 54.2 %
This whisky was produced at the Aberlour Distillery. It was distilled 2000-02-10, then matured for 17 years in a 2nd fill bourbon barrel. The barrel yielded a total of 210 bottles.
Nose: Fruity fresh, with a light dusting of icing sugar. Mild sawdust. With time also vanilla and tinned pears.
Taste: Fresh and fruity, with medium body. Love the delicate spiciness. Oily mouthfeel. Strawberries. White pepper, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon.
Finish: Medium long. Bubblegum, mint, and mild caramel. Rich, sugary sweetness. Soft oakiness in the end.
Comment: Really great fruitiness!
Score 87/100