Golden Dew

Golden Dew, NAS, 40 %

OK, to round off the series of cheap blended whisky we have the Golden Dew. This product appears to be mainly available in the countries that used to make up the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Nothing is known of this product apart from the fact that it is cheap.

Nose: Yes, we have bananas. And caramel. And vanilla. Not a lot more. However, and quite importantly here I believe, there are no off-notes or negative associations brought to mind. Yay, so far.

Taste: Skinny, but with some measure of health registering. Oddly sweet. White pepper, brackish water and vanilla.

Finish: Brief finish. Some pepper, vanilla and banana. Finishes on a note of mouthwash and bubblegum.

Comment: Well, I guess it’s whisky.

Score 61/100



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